Wednesday, April 23, 2008
More Forking to be Done! (Project and Addressing LFT)
These are questions that need to be considered and addressed. So for now this is my POAM of educational space and its analysis. More investigation will be coming forth in thought and possibly documentation.
The LFT, overall, has altered my process of thinking and considering alternative methods. It is a rational approach to all aspects of life. If used the correct way, I believe the potential of the LFT is never-ending. Forking will forever be part of my life now! Thanks for this experience Ms. Moss (Proforker!)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A consideration applied to Project:
thoughts on teaching
The truth of the matter is, we will probably not see a classroom strategy that goes for less test and teacher talking at us and the system staying the way it is. This is especially true at the University of Michigan because it is a traditional place, it has to uphold certain aspects of the universities. Plus this university, as much as we want to believe, is not the front-runner in creative thinking. I say this because as a whole we are known for putting young people in the world to become CEO's, neurosurgance, and stock-brokers. Not for people who are poets, muscians, and acotrs (exclude Lucy Lu). Plus the system in place works: they want to churn out people who get jobs and that's is what the University does. So why, at least in the presidents eyes, would you change up your strategy. For these two reasons I think that you should no t hold your breath for any changes."
Should we even change educational space as it works in our society? Why fix what is not broken?... Thank you for this post classmate... it has given a new perception and approach to consider in my project...
Monday, April 21, 2008
English 340 Project: Framing of Educational Space
English 340 Project: Framing of Educational Space
English 340 Project: Framing of Educational Space
Monday, April 14, 2008
Further Identifying Framing within "Educational Space"
Topic of Exploration: The Framing of Educational Space
So, let’s focus again on the idea of educational space… As a physical institution…
Our educational space would then be the University of Michigan as considered by society. This is the location that is the primary area of our education practices. How are these physical buildings framed for in the context of educational space? The following buildings illustrate some physical entities in which we may learn as UofM students.

You all get the picture…
These physical entities can be viewed as educational space, if the term applies to an area in which education takes place. How could this be refuted? It is indeed an educational space. Well, then, does this educational space have boundaries, better yet, what would the frame of this educational space be limited to?

This is an aerial view of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan campus… Is this the frame in which this system of educational space exists? The boundaries of the last institutes at the perimeter of campus? One could say, “Sure, why not?” It is indeed a frame in which an educational space is bound… but wait… there are all those study abroad programs, then also, the two other campuses of University of Michigan (Dearborn and Flint). And they are definitely part of the University of Michigan still.
… Can educational space even be framed???.....
While working through this idea, one idea that was brought up in class later that I thought very interesting to view educational space was the pop-up books that Mrs. Moss brought to class. The representation of buildings that moved from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional entities, it was intriguing. Can educational space be included in this representation? By simply making a school that would pop out of a book, just as a representation? I didn’t dwell on this for long as it captured my attention to a different, yet related idea….
With pop up books you see the pop up illustration create itself into a new portrayal… So it got me to thinking of how the former Frieze Building on Washington St. had been deconstructed and currently is still under construction. It would have been interesting, given that I understood Limited Fork Theory in its basic tense, to have conducted a project by taking pictures from start to finish (or rather the current state of construction) and have the result play as a backward slide-show as to represent the stripping of educational space to its smaller, more finite aspects and how it may hinder creativity (process of deconstruction). Too late now, but definitely something to be thought of.
The Framing of Educational Space: an Intro
Topic of Exploration: The Framing of Educational Space
What is educational space?
Educational space is such a vague term, and this is very useful in this journey for Limited Fork Theory! The term educational space can be broken down to have a myriad of different definitions.
For basic foundation for this exploration, let us turn to wiki ( because in our modern times, wiki seems to have a nice summary for nearly everything ☺. Wikipedia defines education as:
“Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and also something less tangible but more profound: the imparting of knowledge, positive judgment and well-developed wisdom. Education has as one of its fundamental aspects the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization). Education means 'to draw out', facilitating realization of self-potential and latent talents of an individual. It is an application of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research relating to teaching and learning and draws on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology —often more profound than they realize—though family teaching may function very informally.”
^→→→→ * I already see similarity (symmetry maybe) to LTF via “mapping”!!!
Wikipedia’s summary of space is a little more complex so we will focus space pertaining to its controversial aspect dealt with in Psychology:
“In philosophy
Main article: Philosophy of space and time
Space has a range of definitions:
* One view of space is that it is part of the fundamental structure of the universe, a set of dimensions in which objects are separated and located, have size and shape, and through which they can move.
* A contrasting view is that space is part of a fundamental abstract mathematical conceptual framework (together with time and number) within which we compare and quantify the distance between objects, their sizes, their shapes, and their speeds. In this view, space does not refer to any kind of entity that is a "container" that objects "move through".
These opposing views are relevant also to definitions of time. Space is typically described as having three dimensions, see Three-dimensional space and that three numbers are needed to specify the size of any object and/or its location with respect to another location. Modern physics does not treat space and time as independent dimensions, but treats both as features of space-time – a conception that challenges intuitive notions of distance and time.”
Wiki puts a light of clarity on each word separately, now let’s put the two together. Educational space can mean a dimension or mental state where education takes place (the actual process of learning…). It could mean the intangible realm in which a range of topics exist in which education is able to take place.
…this must be a very LARGE realm…
^→→→This sense of educational space will be looked at as (but not limited to!) the primary concept explored through this forking of “The Framing of Educational Space”. The actual rationale behind the idea of educational space as a system that may be (and is, depending on individual perceptions) flawed and may be a primary factor that can hinder one’s creativity.
Educational space could also be viewed as a physical entity (i.e. a building) where education is practiced. This could include the larger physical view of education of an entire institution that regulates education to certain levels, graduating to the higher levels based on performance and acquired skill; basically school, university, college, etc. This idea of education is very well applicable to our forking of educational space. The physical organization of education is apparent in society; we (not all of mankind, unfortunately due to a myriad of reasons) all go to school from a very young age and (for much of the general population) hope to go to higher educational institutions where more focused education is emphasized, aspiring to a degree of a field in education.
• What if this didn’t exist?
• What if we were able to choose to go to school or not from a very young age?
• What if there were alternative educational systems (spaces) in which one was able to learn, improve, and acquire same levels of skill as the one implemented in society today?
• Is Limited Fork Theory able to be a system of education space? Is it not already? We are learning from it as we conduct our project explorations… this will be looked at, for sure, throughout this project.
FOCUSED... again on this alternative perception of educational space with a sense of forking…
If educational space can, also simply be a location in which education is practiced, then couldn’t anywhere really be an educational space?
- The entire U of M campus…
- Espresso Royale, Starbucks, and all the other numerous cafes that exist in this nation and tutoring, studying, teaching and learning all take place..
- Libraries…
- Personal homes…
- In the oceans where people are researching, learning, and teaching others about marine biology, for example…
Please, continue to join me on my exploration of “The Framing of Educational Space”....