Thursday, March 13, 2008

Response to Symmetry Hunting

In the LFT, symmetry seems to have a different meaning than itstraditional definition, of "1.the correspondence in size, form, and arrangement of parts on opposite sides of a plane, line, or point; regularity of form or arrangement in terms of like, reciprocal, or corresponding parts." (taken from It means more of a plane of similarity between two or more entities. Similarity plays a large part in the connection of all things in the universe under the LFT. "Symmetry" in this sense creates a further significance of objects and ideas and their relevance to the ultimate meanings of rationale and purpose of these concepts.
In Proforker's blog post, "Symmetry Hunting", we are presented with the two paintings from Van Gogh, "Starry Night" and "Sunflowers". In the book Supervision we are presented with two pictures that resemble the paintings. Although not perfectly symmetrical in conventional terms, they do indeed show similarity of form and appearance. This along shows symmetry under the LFT.
Also, we are presented with Samuel Beckett's play "Come and Go". It's representation of allness is portrayed with the three ladies saying similar messages to each other as one will leave the group at times. It is known to be a representation of infinity, which can be seen by the consistent cyclical manner of the dialogue and leaving and returning of each woman. Symmetry is seen in the play by the clothes and alignment of the women portrayed.
When asked to find a form of symmetry between a print poam from each Tokyo Butter and Poems for the Millennium, I was wondering, if there is symmetry always between all objects I chose to arbitrarily choose a poem from each book. When doing so I ended up with "Accidental Culture" in Tokyo Butter and "Letter to Her Brother" by Amelia Roselli in Poems for the Millennium. In both poems you seem symmetry between the two by their relevance to an Arab culture, and also with the representation of death nearby. Perhaps it was made easy by chance to find poems that have such similarity but the fact that symmetry exists everywhere was seen at this moment.

1 comment:

forker girl said...

Oh yes --LFT makes it possible for everything to be everything's brother, everything's blodd brother in which the connections themselves, these pulsing beads are the blood.

LFT allows such convergence even though it may not last, bot on scale, for some duration of time and tine

that event, that poam exists.

Yes --by putting any beads together, connection emerges --so, you are right, in this case, in many cases, tere is no need to seek for association that which already has an established association;

put them together, let the beads touch on some scale in some location for some duration of time and tine,

and connection emerges,
an ability to articulate a rationale for the connection can emerge

--of course apples with oranges
(on some scale[s] in some location[s] for some duration[s] of time[s] and tine[s]).