Topic of Exploration: The Framing of Educational Space
So, let’s focus again on the idea of educational space… As a physical institution…
Our educational space would then be the University of Michigan as considered by society. This is the location that is the primary area of our education practices. How are these physical buildings framed for in the context of educational space? The following buildings illustrate some physical entities in which we may learn as UofM students.

You all get the picture…
These physical entities can be viewed as educational space, if the term applies to an area in which education takes place. How could this be refuted? It is indeed an educational space. Well, then, does this educational space have boundaries, better yet, what would the frame of this educational space be limited to?

This is an aerial view of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan campus… Is this the frame in which this system of educational space exists? The boundaries of the last institutes at the perimeter of campus? One could say, “Sure, why not?” It is indeed a frame in which an educational space is bound… but wait… there are all those study abroad programs, then also, the two other campuses of University of Michigan (Dearborn and Flint). And they are definitely part of the University of Michigan still.
… Can educational space even be framed???.....
While working through this idea, one idea that was brought up in class later that I thought very interesting to view educational space was the pop-up books that Mrs. Moss brought to class. The representation of buildings that moved from 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional entities, it was intriguing. Can educational space be included in this representation? By simply making a school that would pop out of a book, just as a representation? I didn’t dwell on this for long as it captured my attention to a different, yet related idea….
With pop up books you see the pop up illustration create itself into a new portrayal… So it got me to thinking of how the former Frieze Building on Washington St. had been deconstructed and currently is still under construction. It would have been interesting, given that I understood Limited Fork Theory in its basic tense, to have conducted a project by taking pictures from start to finish (or rather the current state of construction) and have the result play as a backward slide-show as to represent the stripping of educational space to its smaller, more finite aspects and how it may hinder creativity (process of deconstruction). Too late now, but definitely something to be thought of.
1 comment:
Yes; great:
This is an aerial view of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan campus… Is this the frame in which this system of educational space exists? The boundaries of the last institutes at the perimeter of campus? One could say, “Sure, why not?” It is indeed a frame in which an educational space is bound… but wait… there are all those study abroad programs, then also, the two other campuses of University of Michigan (Dearborn and Flint). And they are definitely part of the University of Michigan still.
… Can educational space even be framed???....
With pop up books you see the pop up illustration create itself into a new portrayal… So it got me to thinking of how the former Frieze Building on Washington St. had been deconstructed and currently is still under construction. It would have been interesting, given that I understood Limited Fork Theory in its basic tense, to have conducted a project by taking pictures from start to finish (or rather the current state of construction) and have the result play as a backward slide-show as to represent the stripping of educational space to its smaller, more finite aspects and how it may hinder creativity (process of deconstruction). Too late now, but definitely something to be thought of.
--Now I happen to have access to some images that some forward-thinking framers of their educational experience and what they demanded from it,
images of the demolition of Frieze from the inside, behind no trespassing signs --that's not the point
--because they've documented what probably no one else (had admitted to having) documented
but the images exist
--as well as archival images,
and I captured some video footage of some of the demolition, footage that can be separated into frames and played in any direction,
so a version of what you envision, what I read as a proposal is possible
--shall we make it happen?
You can see some the video poams I've made related to Frieze (and to Dean Terry's comment about the classrooms of the future at these links:
Frieze framed by Friezes video quilt
(Dean Terry &) The Future Classroom video quilt
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